The tour operator “Our Odyssey” has been working in the Lithuanian market since 1997. We are the leaders of excursions and trips around Lithuania. We have more than 100 routes.
“Our Odyssey” vision: “To show the world the beauty of Lithuania”
Who does that? – Tourism professionals:
- who are well acquainted with Lithuanian sights and know what interests even the most picky tourists,
- who are constantly updating tour routes in such a way that they tempt even the biggest pessimists to travel, who think that there is nothing to look at in Lithuania,
- who regularly organize lectures for tourism enthusiasts who like to travel part-time.
How do they do that?
- creates high quality of excursions in Lithuania / services,
- offers good value for money,
- prepares individual routes according to customer needs and capabilities,
- gives gifts and discounts to regular customers,
- we work with partners in Germany, France, Poland, Finland, Latvia and other European countries.
The secret recipe for success: professionalism, experience and the main ingredient – love for the tourist and work.
The main activities of “Our Odyssey”: “Our Odyssey” tours in Lithuania:
- – educational excursions around Lithuania, during which bread, pancakes, forks are baked, cheese is produced and linseed oil is pressed, getting acquainted with honey copying, flax spinning, etc .;
- – excursions to Lithuania to get acquainted with professions: firefighter, historian, military, ceramicist, blacksmith, etc .;
- – sightseeing tours in Lithuania for groups and individual travelers;
- – tasting tour routes: wine, beer, tea, fish, cheese, Soviet dishes, military porridge, etc .;
- – theatrical excursions around Lithuania, led by a medieval merchant, a legendary golden virgin, a young warrior, a communist;
- – thematic excursions around Lithuania are dedicated to the history of the First and Second World Wars, Valentine’s Day, medieval history, sacred art, architectural styles, etc .;
- “Our Odyssey” tours of 3 Baltic countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, during which the most interesting tourist objects and places of interest of these countries are visited;
- “Our Odyssey” is the latest original tours of this year: to Romania, Montenegro, the Slovak Tatras and Belarus.
- “Our Odyssey” exotic trips to Madagascar, we are licensed representatives of the Malagasy tour operator MTTC Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland;
- “Our Odyssey” Guide / Travel Guide course for anyone looking to work in the EU;
- Professional development of tourism specialists.
Employee credo:
In doing so, we use knowledge and imagination and try to go beyond the usual frames.
“Mūsų odisėja” himnas
aut. Gintaras Patackas
Vėlei tęsiam linksmą mūsų Odisėją
Tartum žaibas autobusas lenkia vėją
Aukštos kalvos panemunių dangų remia
Muzika lėta malūnų suka žemę.
O kaip gera mums klajoti po tėvynę
Prie senos pilies sustoti aplankyt dvarus.
Nesakyk, kad džiaugsmo būna per mažai,
Blyksi upės, ošia jūra ir miškai,
Saulė leidžiasi raudona
Bet nesibaigia kelionė – Mes visi tokie laimingi kaip vaikai.
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La ta da ti du dai da
La ta da ti du dai
La ty du dai
Žada Mūsų odisėja vyno kelią
O alaus kely šviesėja lankos žalios
Ir smagu mums būna kartais gert arbatą
Eliksyru meilės pataisyt sveikatą.
Vilnius, Palanga ir Trakai, Kaunas naktį
“Ačiū” – tyliai mums pasako, kai aplankom juos.
Mes regėjom nei per daug, nei per mažai
Dėgė mums aukšti žvaigždynai kaip laužai
O dabar, kai tokios brangios
Susitiko mūs rankos
Padainuokime visi kartu gražiai.
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La ta da ti du dai da
La ta da ti du dai
La ty du dai